Village Hall
"It's one of the greatest transformative towns in America. I'm so proud of them." Dan Burden, co-founder and director of the Innovation and Inspiration for the Walkable Livable Communities Institute, commenting on changes in the Village of Hamburg.
Village Services: A Village in New York State is a general purpose municipal corporation formed by the residents of an area of a town to provide municipal services. Village government delivers an enhanced level of service to those concentrated populations living in the village that would not otherwise receive the necessary level of government services they desire from the town. For a complete list of services provided by the Village of Hamburg, see the document titled "Village Services" below.
Village Property Tax Payments: The 2014-2015 Village Property Tax bills have been mailed. Payment is due without penalty by July 1, 2014. You can now pay your taxes on line using a credit card. Fees apply. Only Full Payments can be processed using a credit card. To make a payment click:
Village of Hamburg Gas Utility: Village residents and businesses are eligible to join the Village of Hamburg's Municipal Gas program. For over a decade, the the Village of Hamburg Gas Program has helped members better manage their heating and energy costs. For details click on "Departments" to the left, select "Gas Utility", click on "How to Join".
Joint Village and County Sewer projects near completion. Projects recognized for their effectiveness.
The Village of Hamburg and Erie County Sewer District No. 3 have undertaken several projects to eliminate sewer pump stations and rehabilitate the sanitary sewer system. The projects have eliminated sanitary sewer overflows into nearby waterways such as Eighteen Mile Creek. For details of the projects and their results, see the document below titled "Sanitary Sewer Projects".
Hamburg Village Newsletter: The latest issue of the Hamburg Village Newsletter was mailed to all residents and businesses in the Village. See the document below titled "Newsletter November 2013".
Route 62 Project Recognition: The Route 62 Project in the Village of Hamburg has been cited as a national model of collaboration and a symbol of transportation projects that promote livable communities. This selection as one of the top ten transportation projects in the nation adds to the growing recognition of the Village of Hamburg and the Route 62 project including a Livable Community Award from Partners for a Livable Western New York, a Local Government Achievement Award in the Economic Development Category from the New York State Conference of Mayors and Empire State Report, as well as a Design Guidelines Award from the American Planning Association's WNY Section. (For details regarding the project and its affects see the document titled GBNRTC below.)
Workplace Safety: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has developed and issued guidelines and instructions on "How to Respond when an Active Shooter is in your Vicinity" for use by citizens in the workplace if an incident occurs. (The complete document is attached below.)
ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS: New York State Electric and Gas offers energy efficiency programs and energy efficiency rebates for residential, commercial and industrial customers. See the document titled "Energy Efficiency Programs-NYSEG" below for details.
ROUNDABOUTS: Signalized Intersections have been eliminated along Main Street and Buffalo Street. ALL 4 ROUNDABOUTS ARE NOW FUNCTIONING AND HAVE BECOME PART OF THE LOCAL TRAFFIC CONTROL NETWORK! Please watch for, and yield to pedestrians at the crosswalks, and please observe the 15 mile per hour speed limit as you pass thru the roundabout. Click on the document below entitled Navigating a Roundabout to obtain educational information.